Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Toronto Centre, hmm.

An interesting development today...

Bill Graham has resigned. The CBC had the best article on event. Its interesting that some have noted an apparent strategy behind the development. Some have argued that this latest move is is a formulated one on behalf of the Liberal party to show some momentum in a byelection and perhaps even get Bob Rae into the house soon. Mr. Rae, from my perspective, has a very commanding appeal. He is charismatic, articulate and quite intelligent. Aside from the many policy and political disagreements I may ahve with the man he is an excellent example of a superb political figure.

On the other hand, I could see this simply being Bill Graham realizing that its going to be some time before an election and just wanting to get out of the place....

What do you think? Is Bill Graham trying to give his party and parting gift, or is it purely a matter of a personal nature?


Tony said...

It was probably a political calculated move the get Bob Rae into the HOC sooner, rather than later.

Josh said...

But do you think the Prime Minister will be calling a by-election anytime soon to fill the empty seats in the House of Commons?

Kyle Simunovic said...

Its an interesting development, certainly a good strategic one by the Liberals.

Harper will probabally wait until the very last day and call it for as late as possible, a year from now.